152. I believe that he wrote this book because he wants to tell the world what he went through and what he did to survive. He also is telling this because he doesn't want anything of this to happen again, and also to show the things he went through and how these things affect him today.
153. I think he choose the title night because the night is dark and evil sometimes and it explains how the people that were doing this to them were dark and evil.
154. He changes because he remembers everything he went through and the things that happen he lost his family and his friends and he literally went through hell and back these things would follow him through the rest of his life.
155. He finally tries to get over it he gets married and i think he had some kids and it helped but those memories i think would never go away even if he tried, and he also writtes the book night.
156. there is still genocide in this world in many parts of places and i think that shouldn't be the case because no matter who or what you are you shouldn't get judged by it and you also shouldn't be killed for it thats dumb there was a reason why he made this book and its because he doesn't want this to happen again it took guts to actually writte what he did all his experiences and poeple shouldn't do that anymore. I think what they have to do is not only have one country helping out these places where genocide is happening and help out so that these things never happen again.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
act 2
1.What do you like best about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend? The thing that I like about anne frank is that she is a very cool person to hang out with and she knows what she is talking about not like othr and she acts more mature then everyone else. I would like her as a friend she might a really cool friend too.
2. What disturbing news does Mr. Kraler bring on New Year’s Day? There was somebody downstairs where they were hiding.
b. what hint does this give about the ending of the play? That somebody knows and he or shee might snitch on them that they are hiding upstairs.
3. what is the time span of act III? The time span is like from 1 or 2 years.
b. how have the characters changed since the end of act I? they have changed because in the beginning they didn’t know each other and then they started to know each other better and they also matured the kids like Anne, Peter, and Margot.
c. how do you know that Anne has changed? Anne has changed because in the beginning she was very disrespectful and then by the end of the book she respects everyone better and talks a lot less.
4. how can Anne believe that ‘’…in spite of everything… people are really good at heart?’’Because she doesn’t judge a raice just by one set of people like Miep was helping them and Mr.crawler so she believes that they are good and not all people are mean or evil like them.
b. what does Mr. Frank mean when he says: ‘’she puts me to shame’’? He probably means that he thought oh this raice is evil everyone single one but she thought differently and more grown up.
5. for each of the following events, identify one cause and one eaffec:
a. Mr. Van Dann’s decision to steal food?
Cause: was very hungry and wanted some food.
Effect: They caught him and Mrs.Frank wanted to kick him out because he was stealing food for other people.
b. Mrs. Frank’s change of heart about wanting the Van Danns to leave?
Cause: They told her that America had already started the invasion and she was happy and didn’t think they were going to be there for much longer.
Effect: The Van Daan’s stayed and they got caught with them as well.
6. what are some possible causes about wanting the Van Dann’s attitude toward Anne and Peter’s relationship? The possible causes are like they didn’t like how the franks made the decision of letting another person in the house and the Van Daans didn’t like it so instead of showing it on the older Franks they take it out on Anne.
7. living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the ‘’Secret Annex.’’ List three effects that result from this single cause.
Cause 1: Peter and Anne fall in love with one another.
Cause 2: They all become close like a family or they become enemies like Mrs. Frank and Mr. Van Daan.
Cause 3: They learn more about each other.
8. On a chart like the one shown, identify the possible motivation behind the actions listed.
Character action motivation
Mies brings flowers and cake to the attic She wanted to help out a
rooms. Because if it was her she
would want somone to
help her out.
Mr. Van Daan Steals food when other people where Was hungry and not
Sleeping so he could eat. Accostumed to eating
So litle.
Peter Van Daan trying to save his cat. was his only friend
9. What are possible motivations might and informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding? Maybe they got caught with the police for doing something so he/she turned them in so they could get out of trouble.
2. What disturbing news does Mr. Kraler bring on New Year’s Day? There was somebody downstairs where they were hiding.
b. what hint does this give about the ending of the play? That somebody knows and he or shee might snitch on them that they are hiding upstairs.
3. what is the time span of act III? The time span is like from 1 or 2 years.
b. how have the characters changed since the end of act I? they have changed because in the beginning they didn’t know each other and then they started to know each other better and they also matured the kids like Anne, Peter, and Margot.
c. how do you know that Anne has changed? Anne has changed because in the beginning she was very disrespectful and then by the end of the book she respects everyone better and talks a lot less.
4. how can Anne believe that ‘’…in spite of everything… people are really good at heart?’’Because she doesn’t judge a raice just by one set of people like Miep was helping them and Mr.crawler so she believes that they are good and not all people are mean or evil like them.
b. what does Mr. Frank mean when he says: ‘’she puts me to shame’’? He probably means that he thought oh this raice is evil everyone single one but she thought differently and more grown up.
5. for each of the following events, identify one cause and one eaffec:
a. Mr. Van Dann’s decision to steal food?
Cause: was very hungry and wanted some food.
Effect: They caught him and Mrs.Frank wanted to kick him out because he was stealing food for other people.
b. Mrs. Frank’s change of heart about wanting the Van Danns to leave?
Cause: They told her that America had already started the invasion and she was happy and didn’t think they were going to be there for much longer.
Effect: The Van Daan’s stayed and they got caught with them as well.
6. what are some possible causes about wanting the Van Dann’s attitude toward Anne and Peter’s relationship? The possible causes are like they didn’t like how the franks made the decision of letting another person in the house and the Van Daans didn’t like it so instead of showing it on the older Franks they take it out on Anne.
7. living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the ‘’Secret Annex.’’ List three effects that result from this single cause.
Cause 1: Peter and Anne fall in love with one another.
Cause 2: They all become close like a family or they become enemies like Mrs. Frank and Mr. Van Daan.
Cause 3: They learn more about each other.
8. On a chart like the one shown, identify the possible motivation behind the actions listed.
Character action motivation
Mies brings flowers and cake to the attic She wanted to help out a
rooms. Because if it was her she
would want somone to
help her out.
Mr. Van Daan Steals food when other people where Was hungry and not
Sleeping so he could eat. Accostumed to eating
So litle.
Peter Van Daan trying to save his cat. was his only friend
9. What are possible motivations might and informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding? Maybe they got caught with the police for doing something so he/she turned them in so they could get out of trouble.
1. The famalies must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be the hardest for you to follow? Why? The hardest rule in my opinion is not to be able to go outside and play because I would feel very bored if I could not go out and life would suck for me.
2.In scene 1, what objects does Mr.frank find in the secret rooms? He finds the diary and the white glove.
b. How are these objects connected with the rest of the act? These objects are connected because the diary is what he is writing and the white glove is what he finds the last thing of her daughter.
3. What speaciel meaning does hanukkah have for the families? It has a speciel meaning which gives the family hope and thinking they could soon be free again.
b. What do Anne’s presents show about her? It shows that even if they are living terribly she can still find a way to celebrate a holiday, and that she still has hope and she doesn’t think that she is going to live there for a long time.
c. Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents? They act in enthusiasm because that is what they wanted and they were surprised that they got a gift because they were in hiding.
4. Discuss Mr.franks statement ‘’there are….No locks that anyone can put on your mind’’ how does ann prove that this is true. She proved it to be right because she thought of people like normal she didn’t that one group of people were evil she thought that only a few of them are like that not all of them.
5. What is the historical cause that forces the franks to go into hiding? Because The nazi’s are getting people and putting them in concentration camps.
b. What effects does this situation have on their daily lives? They have to hide so that they could not be found and sent to concentration camps were they could die.
6. What effects do the nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the jews? It probably just wanted them to think they were going to die because of that and that it was evil and to get their confidence down and make them feel different from everyone else.
b. What backround information about the Nazi’s treatment of the jews helps you link this cause with its intended effects? They made them work at concentration camps thinking that they were going to be free if they worked hard but they just ended up sending to death camps and killing them and the stars helped them determine who was a jew and who wasn’t.
8. After Mr.Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the franks and the Van daans in hiding, what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities. It revealed that some people did want to help Mr.Kraler like the franks but the Van Daans didn’t like the idea especially Mr. Van daan so some were good hearted and some were just bad.
2.In scene 1, what objects does Mr.frank find in the secret rooms? He finds the diary and the white glove.
b. How are these objects connected with the rest of the act? These objects are connected because the diary is what he is writing and the white glove is what he finds the last thing of her daughter.
3. What speaciel meaning does hanukkah have for the families? It has a speciel meaning which gives the family hope and thinking they could soon be free again.
b. What do Anne’s presents show about her? It shows that even if they are living terribly she can still find a way to celebrate a holiday, and that she still has hope and she doesn’t think that she is going to live there for a long time.
c. Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents? They act in enthusiasm because that is what they wanted and they were surprised that they got a gift because they were in hiding.
4. Discuss Mr.franks statement ‘’there are….No locks that anyone can put on your mind’’ how does ann prove that this is true. She proved it to be right because she thought of people like normal she didn’t that one group of people were evil she thought that only a few of them are like that not all of them.
5. What is the historical cause that forces the franks to go into hiding? Because The nazi’s are getting people and putting them in concentration camps.
b. What effects does this situation have on their daily lives? They have to hide so that they could not be found and sent to concentration camps were they could die.
6. What effects do the nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the jews? It probably just wanted them to think they were going to die because of that and that it was evil and to get their confidence down and make them feel different from everyone else.
b. What backround information about the Nazi’s treatment of the jews helps you link this cause with its intended effects? They made them work at concentration camps thinking that they were going to be free if they worked hard but they just ended up sending to death camps and killing them and the stars helped them determine who was a jew and who wasn’t.
8. After Mr.Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the franks and the Van daans in hiding, what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities. It revealed that some people did want to help Mr.Kraler like the franks but the Van Daans didn’t like the idea especially Mr. Van daan so some were good hearted and some were just bad.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
fifty thing i know about the halocaust
1. I learned that halocaust means sacrafice by fire in greek.
2. Hitler led the halocaust and killed many jews in the process.
3. Jews were considered not important and they should be killed.
4. They named when they wanted to kill all the jews in Europe '' the final solution''
5. If you were apart of the holocaust like killed anyone and you are still alive you will go to jail even if you are old.
6. They made the Jews work in concentration camps and then they would send them to extermination camps where they would kill them.
7. There are 3 types of ghettos one is closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction ghettos.
8. They had young kids involved they were called young hitler's.
9. They trained kids so that they could become like them when they grew up.
10. We get the word ghetto from the holocaust.
11. This was the most depressing years of Jews.
12. To distinguish jews from the other ones they wore a yellow stair around their neck and gay people wore a pink triangle around their neck.
13. They killed Jews by killing them with poison gas.
14.They had to think of more things so that they could kill more jews.
15. Adolf hitler commited suicide so that he wouldn't go to jail.
16. He told his wife to kill themselves togethere but instead watched her die.
17. He also killed his dog.
18. He got mad that he didn't get into art school so that was probably why he did it.
19. They killed people by either poison gas or shooting them.
20. The first killing center was chelmno in poland.
21.Pogrom meant to wreak havic.
22. It means sometimes that some people that were not jewish hunted jewish people and killed them in russia.
23. They had death marches.
24. They called rusia's army the soviet union before.
25. After the holocaust people would migrate to other places.
26. They said that hitlers rise to power was a unforseen catastrophe.
27. they used people for medical procedures.
28. There is one gang right now that uses the Nazi's symbol as one of theirs.
29. Their was one medical experiment that they had that a women had twins and they sew them togethere like siamese twins.
30. The most Notorious person that would do experiments was Dr. Josef Mengele he tested drugs on them, freezed them, and tried to change their eye color by injecting things into their body.
31. Anyone that would survive the experiments would get killed and then dissected.
32. Not only jews were killed but gays, restarded people, and gypsies.
33. they used grenades with poison gas in them.
34. In labor camps people would work thinking they would would be left free but it wasn't true they were killed.
35. pregnant women and women with children would be sent to gas chambers first then the others.
36. children were hidden.
37 they would kill people by shooting them and burning them in mass graves.
38. they killed people by shooting them in the head and having a hole in the floor so they could fall through.
39. Nazi wouldn't care what age the jews were they would kill them.
40. Even if you weren't jewish and you had jewish ancestors you would be considered one too.
41. Medical procedures were done so that doctors could learn.
42. The jewish population was almost gone by the end of the holocaust.
43.once they were killed they put them on fire.
44. 6,000 jews were killed in one day in gas chambers.
45. this was the most grusome years in man life.
46. they killed these people because they thought they were not valuable or worth to be alive.
47. they gave a women that had a newborn child and they told her to either kill the baby or leavee with him she killed it.
48. people did what they could to stay alive.
49. America didn't know this was going on until world war 2 when they saw a concentration camp for themselves.
50. Adolf Hitler was short but had a powerful voice and when they anilized his letters they saw his were feminen and it shows he cared about women but by his actions not that much.
2. Hitler led the halocaust and killed many jews in the process.
3. Jews were considered not important and they should be killed.
4. They named when they wanted to kill all the jews in Europe '' the final solution''
5. If you were apart of the holocaust like killed anyone and you are still alive you will go to jail even if you are old.
6. They made the Jews work in concentration camps and then they would send them to extermination camps where they would kill them.
7. There are 3 types of ghettos one is closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction ghettos.
8. They had young kids involved they were called young hitler's.
9. They trained kids so that they could become like them when they grew up.
10. We get the word ghetto from the holocaust.
11. This was the most depressing years of Jews.
12. To distinguish jews from the other ones they wore a yellow stair around their neck and gay people wore a pink triangle around their neck.
13. They killed Jews by killing them with poison gas.
14.They had to think of more things so that they could kill more jews.
15. Adolf hitler commited suicide so that he wouldn't go to jail.
16. He told his wife to kill themselves togethere but instead watched her die.
17. He also killed his dog.
18. He got mad that he didn't get into art school so that was probably why he did it.
19. They killed people by either poison gas or shooting them.
20. The first killing center was chelmno in poland.
21.Pogrom meant to wreak havic.
22. It means sometimes that some people that were not jewish hunted jewish people and killed them in russia.
23. They had death marches.
24. They called rusia's army the soviet union before.
25. After the holocaust people would migrate to other places.
26. They said that hitlers rise to power was a unforseen catastrophe.
27. they used people for medical procedures.
28. There is one gang right now that uses the Nazi's symbol as one of theirs.
29. Their was one medical experiment that they had that a women had twins and they sew them togethere like siamese twins.
30. The most Notorious person that would do experiments was Dr. Josef Mengele he tested drugs on them, freezed them, and tried to change their eye color by injecting things into their body.
31. Anyone that would survive the experiments would get killed and then dissected.
32. Not only jews were killed but gays, restarded people, and gypsies.
33. they used grenades with poison gas in them.
34. In labor camps people would work thinking they would would be left free but it wasn't true they were killed.
35. pregnant women and women with children would be sent to gas chambers first then the others.
36. children were hidden.
37 they would kill people by shooting them and burning them in mass graves.
38. they killed people by shooting them in the head and having a hole in the floor so they could fall through.
39. Nazi wouldn't care what age the jews were they would kill them.
40. Even if you weren't jewish and you had jewish ancestors you would be considered one too.
41. Medical procedures were done so that doctors could learn.
42. The jewish population was almost gone by the end of the holocaust.
43.once they were killed they put them on fire.
44. 6,000 jews were killed in one day in gas chambers.
45. this was the most grusome years in man life.
46. they killed these people because they thought they were not valuable or worth to be alive.
47. they gave a women that had a newborn child and they told her to either kill the baby or leavee with him she killed it.
48. people did what they could to stay alive.
49. America didn't know this was going on until world war 2 when they saw a concentration camp for themselves.
50. Adolf Hitler was short but had a powerful voice and when they anilized his letters they saw his were feminen and it shows he cared about women but by his actions not that much.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hansel and Gretal
Hello i am the father of Hansel and Gretal and we are a poor family we know other people that are also poor but out of all of them we are the poorest. Me and wife couldn't find away to maintain and support our kids we couldn't even eat ourselves we would have to starve ourselves so that the kids could eat. the kids didn't really like their stepmother they thought she was a very mean lady i thought she was a nice person but i guess their is always two sides to one person. One day me and my wife had not eaten for two days and we were really hungry their was barely enough food to feed the children my wife finally said we have to eat to and your kids have to be dealt with. She said lets leave them in the forest with one piece of bread and make them a fire i told her that i couldn't leave my kids their but i was also hungry so i finally said ok then lets do it. We left them in the forest with a fire and some other things i had noticed that my son was very clever and was dropping rocks so that he could find his way back but i didn't tell my wife because i wanted them to find their way home. we left them there they fell asleep and i thought to myself i am going to miss them hopefully they can find their way back.
it was the middle of the night and i had lost hope that they could get back home, but then they surprised me and showed up at the house i was very excited. I sent them to go to sleep in their room i thought my wife was going to give up trying to abandon them but i was wrong she wanted to try again and I didn't like the idea i didn't care if died of hunger but i want my kid to eat. She convinced me to take them to the woods again and i also saw my kid throwing bread on the floor i thought it was good idea but a waste of food i thought they could make it back again i was happy. I waited and waited but they still weren't at my house i lost hope i was really sad, but i thought about how i was going to atleast not starve. I kept on thinking about the kids i miss them i only hope that they survive or someone finds them and helps them out i just hope that happens.
Well i was very sad but also happy atleast i could share my life with the women i liked not love because lately she has been acting like a well i cant say but you know what i mean. She instead was screaming at me i would go to work and come back tired she would make me do work while she was in the house sleeping she is really mean to me but its ok i dont mind atleast i wont be starving. After a while i was eating but i still couldn't forget my kids thinking if they were ok but its ok i think they will be ok. My wife started acting bad and she started eating up all the food and she left me starving sometimes so i planned revenge for my kids and for me. i told her to lets go into the forest for a while and look for something like firewood and things for dressing up like things to make clothes. we went deep into the forest i didn't even know were we were but i took something my son did i spread rocks so i could go back home she didn't see i was happy i was going to leave her in the forest like what she made me do to my kids. I told her that we were lost i made a fire and we were sleeping she was knocked so when she was sleeping i left her there i went home and i made the rocks gone i was happy when i got home i was sad i had no one but then my kids came in i was so happy i told them that she died hahaha they believed me and they were happy!!!.
it was the middle of the night and i had lost hope that they could get back home, but then they surprised me and showed up at the house i was very excited. I sent them to go to sleep in their room i thought my wife was going to give up trying to abandon them but i was wrong she wanted to try again and I didn't like the idea i didn't care if died of hunger but i want my kid to eat. She convinced me to take them to the woods again and i also saw my kid throwing bread on the floor i thought it was good idea but a waste of food i thought they could make it back again i was happy. I waited and waited but they still weren't at my house i lost hope i was really sad, but i thought about how i was going to atleast not starve. I kept on thinking about the kids i miss them i only hope that they survive or someone finds them and helps them out i just hope that happens.
Well i was very sad but also happy atleast i could share my life with the women i liked not love because lately she has been acting like a well i cant say but you know what i mean. She instead was screaming at me i would go to work and come back tired she would make me do work while she was in the house sleeping she is really mean to me but its ok i dont mind atleast i wont be starving. After a while i was eating but i still couldn't forget my kids thinking if they were ok but its ok i think they will be ok. My wife started acting bad and she started eating up all the food and she left me starving sometimes so i planned revenge for my kids and for me. i told her to lets go into the forest for a while and look for something like firewood and things for dressing up like things to make clothes. we went deep into the forest i didn't even know were we were but i took something my son did i spread rocks so i could go back home she didn't see i was happy i was going to leave her in the forest like what she made me do to my kids. I told her that we were lost i made a fire and we were sleeping she was knocked so when she was sleeping i left her there i went home and i made the rocks gone i was happy when i got home i was sad i had no one but then my kids came in i was so happy i told them that she died hahaha they believed me and they were happy!!!.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Adam's Diary
I have been alive for a while and i feel good i can walk and run i think by myself it is pretty fun but i must act serious not let anyone think i am easy to kill and i dont want to become their prey to any animal. first i start to explore the places like the trees learned how to climb them it is fun to just lay down their with no problems pretty cool for me. i am not a talkative person i like to think about things instead of saying them and i like to remember things i am quite lazy and i feel very different from all the wildlife here i am the only one that walks on two legs and the only that is smart enough to protect myself from the harsh conditions outside.
it has been one day that i have been alive and ive felt coldness, lonelyness and being scared this is weird because these things are things that i havent felt before it is weird but i think im ok. The things i eat to stay alive consist of fruits because i havent seen anything else that i could eat but it is ok because fruit tastes really good and i am happy. everything is good until the night it gets cold and i dont have anything to cover myself up but its ok ill figure something out. finally i covered myself up with a piece of cloth and leaves i think i will call how i was before naked i think it is a good word for that
Next week sunday
i found something in the wildlife that walks like me and it almost like me except it is a girl i think i will follow her around and see what she does. she spotted me i run away but i walk because i dont want her to think i am weak and useless if i run from her. she keeps following me she is naked i tell her but she doesn't understand i think she is dumb i climb my tree and i just hope she doesn't wait for me outside.
She keeps on following me it is weird and annoying but strangely i am attracted to her she might think that i am just pushing her away but to tell the truth i kinda like her bugging me it makes me feel not lonely i feel good when i am around her.
Next friday
She is very interesting she makes names for everything sometimes it annoys me but atleast she is learning things. she say she created something called fire at first it looked interesting but then i thought it might be dangerous so i just left so yea. i told her not to go and get apples from the tree i just hope she listens to me.
Monday noon
Well i am starting to realize that eve is pretty good and i am getting more attracted to her but i think that she doesn't like me that much because i am not paying attention to her but i hope she does know that sometimes she does annoy me.
I have been alive for a while and i feel good i can walk and run i think by myself it is pretty fun but i must act serious not let anyone think i am easy to kill and i dont want to become their prey to any animal. first i start to explore the places like the trees learned how to climb them it is fun to just lay down their with no problems pretty cool for me. i am not a talkative person i like to think about things instead of saying them and i like to remember things i am quite lazy and i feel very different from all the wildlife here i am the only one that walks on two legs and the only that is smart enough to protect myself from the harsh conditions outside.
it has been one day that i have been alive and ive felt coldness, lonelyness and being scared this is weird because these things are things that i havent felt before it is weird but i think im ok. The things i eat to stay alive consist of fruits because i havent seen anything else that i could eat but it is ok because fruit tastes really good and i am happy. everything is good until the night it gets cold and i dont have anything to cover myself up but its ok ill figure something out. finally i covered myself up with a piece of cloth and leaves i think i will call how i was before naked i think it is a good word for that
Next week sunday
i found something in the wildlife that walks like me and it almost like me except it is a girl i think i will follow her around and see what she does. she spotted me i run away but i walk because i dont want her to think i am weak and useless if i run from her. she keeps following me she is naked i tell her but she doesn't understand i think she is dumb i climb my tree and i just hope she doesn't wait for me outside.
She keeps on following me it is weird and annoying but strangely i am attracted to her she might think that i am just pushing her away but to tell the truth i kinda like her bugging me it makes me feel not lonely i feel good when i am around her.
Next friday
She is very interesting she makes names for everything sometimes it annoys me but atleast she is learning things. she say she created something called fire at first it looked interesting but then i thought it might be dangerous so i just left so yea. i told her not to go and get apples from the tree i just hope she listens to me.
Monday noon
Well i am starting to realize that eve is pretty good and i am getting more attracted to her but i think that she doesn't like me that much because i am not paying attention to her but i hope she does know that sometimes she does annoy me.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The lion and the woman
The woman was a peaceful person and very rich she never bothered anyone never caused any harm to anyone,the only problem that she had was that she wanted everything and no one would deny her. One day she was watching tv and she noticed that there were animals very beutiful ones she had to have one she wanted a lion she decided she was going to buy it and she did. One week with the lion she thought it was beutiful she kept it in a cage it looked like the lion liked it she then approached it with no concern it started to talk and said too come into the cage and she did go in the lion then said you will now suffer i have been in a cage and you will now suffer how i did so she did so and the lion kept her in the cage for several days and then let her go she also let the lion go in return.
The lesson here is
even how much you think you have to have something it isnt good to inprison it beuty should be left free.
The lesson here is
even how much you think you have to have something it isnt good to inprison it beuty should be left free.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The outcast of poker flat
If you had to blame someone or somethings for the outcasts' deaths who/what would you blame & why?
If i could blame anyone i would blame Uncle Billy because he left them in the snow without any chance of the other ones getting to safety. He did the worst thing ever he left them in the snow and in the cold it was really bad what he did and really bogus but i guess he only cared about his own safety and not any of the others. If anything he should've been the only one that should have been kicked out of the place because everyone else there were pretty good people and the only one that looked like he should have been kicked out was Uncle Billy. They all died because of the coldness and the only person that shoul be blamed for that is uncle Billy because he left them where they could all die and without a way to get back home or to some other place. They didn't have food and anything that could keep them alive only fire wood and the fire to keep them warm he took most of the supplies so they couldn't even have enough food to last them for long. That was very bad what he did because they all should've sticken togethere because that they all got kicked out togethere and better they stick togethere and pull thrue it then only 1 of them come out with his life guarented but i guess that was what he wanted because he never cared about anyone else he should've been the only one to get kicked out of poker flat.
If i could blame anyone i would blame Uncle Billy because he left them in the snow without any chance of the other ones getting to safety. He did the worst thing ever he left them in the snow and in the cold it was really bad what he did and really bogus but i guess he only cared about his own safety and not any of the others. If anything he should've been the only one that should have been kicked out of the place because everyone else there were pretty good people and the only one that looked like he should have been kicked out was Uncle Billy. They all died because of the coldness and the only person that shoul be blamed for that is uncle Billy because he left them where they could all die and without a way to get back home or to some other place. They didn't have food and anything that could keep them alive only fire wood and the fire to keep them warm he took most of the supplies so they couldn't even have enough food to last them for long. That was very bad what he did because they all should've sticken togethere because that they all got kicked out togethere and better they stick togethere and pull thrue it then only 1 of them come out with his life guarented but i guess that was what he wanted because he never cared about anyone else he should've been the only one to get kicked out of poker flat.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Kate Chopin
The Story Of An Hour
I like this story because the wife had a heart problem and they thought that she was going to have trouble when they gave her the bad news. It was funny because when they told the woman she just walked away i thought she was going to have problems but instead she was really happy. she was thinking about how she was going to spend her life and have so much fun without her husband like she didnt even care that the man she married died it's weird but a litle funny. what the funniest thing that happend was that when she saw her husband and in reality he wasnt dead she screamed and she died the doctors said that she died because she got too happy to see him it was really funny. i like this story a lot it made me laugh when they said that she died because she got too happy which was not true and she didn't even like her husband that much.
The Blind Man
This story is really sad because it shows how in reality some people are to disabled people and think that they are weird and not human. In this story there is a man that is blind and he goes walking knocking on people's windows and a rich man gives him some pencils so he could sell only because he wanted him to leave his yard. People act like they dont see him and they see him walking in the sun and nobody tells him '' oh come over here into the shade so you wont get hot'' but they just let him figure it out himself. They act like he is nothing and they treat him like a animal that is sad even the children don't respect him he is blind and they try to rob him but they couldn't, and then a police officer starts to pull him like nothing almost beating him up but he didn't because he is blind. After that a rich man gets ran over by some cars and all these people start screaming and the blind man says '' where did these people come from'' because they were all quiet and trying to not get noticed by him and nobody offers to help him cross the street and more that he could get ran over because he is blind. This is also how some people do act to people that are disabled like if they are mentally challenged they make fun of them and that is wrong and bad, and they also people that are different then they are like if they are blind or deaf that they say oh look at that freak of nature and that is wrong because they didn't choose to be like that and if they could they wouldn't want to be like that if they could choose.
Friday, April 24, 2009
''Dr. Heidegger's experiment''
My obeservation of the experiment. at first i thought maybe they could fix the errors that they made in their lives their names were mr. medbourne who was a hustler, colonel killigrew drunk, Mr. gascoigne a ruined politician, widow wycherly they say she was a hood rat. these people have all commited errors in their lives and they were all paying the price for them i wanted to help and i tried i knew the effects of the water wasn't going to be permanent but i wanted to see what happen.
i got them to go to my house and i told them what the water would i told them that they had to be sure if they wanted to do it they all excepted. they drank it and in a matter of minutes they started to grow younger and becoming more immature. they acted like if they were intoxicated and they acted dumb started running around and the widow asked me to dance with her i told her no i am too old and cant they all started to laugh. things that they did scared me they were really disrespectful and they looked 20 years old, but they acted like 9 year olds. at the end they all started to have intercourse with the widow it was really weird i felt uncomfordable the weird thing was that they would look old in the mirror. They started fighting over the widow and they were fighting over her they learned nothing from their past experience and they looked like it was the first time they were doing that, and they were fighting so much that they knocked down the water and my flower turned back too old, and they also did.
They wanted to find more water so they could stay young and never grow old they didnt learn anything i tried to help them but they weren't willing to help themselves. I never want to try using that magic water because then i will repeat the mistakes i commited and be immature which i dont want to do. so they may find the fountain of youth or may not but atleast i know that my experiment was a FAILURE!!!!!!!
i got them to go to my house and i told them what the water would i told them that they had to be sure if they wanted to do it they all excepted. they drank it and in a matter of minutes they started to grow younger and becoming more immature. they acted like if they were intoxicated and they acted dumb started running around and the widow asked me to dance with her i told her no i am too old and cant they all started to laugh. things that they did scared me they were really disrespectful and they looked 20 years old, but they acted like 9 year olds. at the end they all started to have intercourse with the widow it was really weird i felt uncomfordable the weird thing was that they would look old in the mirror. They started fighting over the widow and they were fighting over her they learned nothing from their past experience and they looked like it was the first time they were doing that, and they were fighting so much that they knocked down the water and my flower turned back too old, and they also did.
They wanted to find more water so they could stay young and never grow old they didnt learn anything i tried to help them but they weren't willing to help themselves. I never want to try using that magic water because then i will repeat the mistakes i commited and be immature which i dont want to do. so they may find the fountain of youth or may not but atleast i know that my experiment was a FAILURE!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Desiree's Baby, The Sequel
Armand couldn't believe what he had just read his own very mother was black that was probably why she never came back with us. He was wondering if that if everything his father told him was true he was a white man that had a sexual relationship with a black women and they had him he is half-black he chased his wife and his son out because he thought his mother was black and his son came out black not because of his mother but because of his father. After he found out he was stunned he didnt know if it was true he waited a few days to see if she had got to her mothers house then he would go see her on boat but it was hard trip. He finally got there when he whent to go see if she was there her mother said no, but he decided to wait a week or two but she still wasnt there. He was scared for his wife he went back and told the mother to write to him if she heard or seen of them she said ok.
when he got back he looked thrue the fields and told the slaves if they have seen her and promised them if they found her that they would work less hours they said ok. he waited a few weeks then one slave came to him and said that some slaves looked at her and they knew she was the mistress so they decided to kidnap her and kill her. He looked like if he had seen a ghost he said if it was true he said yea the slaves that did that too him were killed he found his son though the mother was killed but since the son looked black they didnt kill him the slaves took him in as one of their own.
when he got back he looked thrue the fields and told the slaves if they have seen her and promised them if they found her that they would work less hours they said ok. he waited a few weeks then one slave came to him and said that some slaves looked at her and they knew she was the mistress so they decided to kidnap her and kill her. He looked like if he had seen a ghost he said if it was true he said yea the slaves that did that too him were killed he found his son though the mother was killed but since the son looked black they didnt kill him the slaves took him in as one of their own.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
flowers for algernon
if you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? why or why not? use examples from the story.
if i could to have the operation or not i wouldnt do it. The reason for that is that with charlie they did the operation to him and they made him study things and all i think the operation was for was so that he could learn things much quicker. i would rather study and make myself stronger and feel self-accomplished then get an operation and just learn faster without feeling anything that i worked hard to get to how smart i was. i wouldnt do it especially if i would know that i wouldn't be smart if you study you would not lose anything that you have read or learned on your own. i would never do the operation so that i could feel accomplished and not be temporary how smart i would be with the operation i would want to work hard learning things and it would be really good how i feel because i would know that i got that smart because of myself and not because of any operation.
if i could to have the operation or not i wouldnt do it. The reason for that is that with charlie they did the operation to him and they made him study things and all i think the operation was for was so that he could learn things much quicker. i would rather study and make myself stronger and feel self-accomplished then get an operation and just learn faster without feeling anything that i worked hard to get to how smart i was. i wouldnt do it especially if i would know that i wouldn't be smart if you study you would not lose anything that you have read or learned on your own. i would never do the operation so that i could feel accomplished and not be temporary how smart i would be with the operation i would want to work hard learning things and it would be really good how i feel because i would know that i got that smart because of myself and not because of any operation.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The curious case of Benjamin Button, chapter 8- the end
explain what this story says about each of these issues. Use examples from the story to support your explinations.
the family things that were here werent very good one. one thing was that when he was Benjamin was born his dad didnt like him because he was born and old man and that isnt right. when he was growin up his dad took 12 years to get along with him that is wrong because you have to like your family even if the way they look or how old they look. when he was like really old his son was embarrased about him and didnt want no one to know he was his dad and thats wrong because your sopposed to get along and not be embarrased of them expecially your parents they are the ones that raised you. at first his dad was ashamed of him because he looked to old and tried to dye his hair but it was really bad and that isnt what family does we have to like each other no matter what and also benjamins son was ashamed of him because he looked to young and he tried to make him look older and its the same thing he is embarrased of him and it is wrong.
Age here is important to everyone because benjamin tried to go to yale but they didnt let him because of the age he looked and they just kicked him out. When he got married his wife thought he was 50 and that is why she even went out with hi because she said 20-40 is the work type and 60 is too old but 50 year old guys know how to treat a woman. most people look at people by the age.
beauty is counted alot here in this book. like benjamin he married a woman that he saw because of her beauty but when she grew older he didnt like her that much because i guess she looked different then before.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
the curious case of benjamin button, chapters 3-7
After reading chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think benjamin will encounter & give solutions for each.
one problem that he is going to encounter is that since he is growing younger he is going to get tired of his wife. the solution i see for him is that he will leave his wife becouse he isnt going to feel the same for her and he will probably find someone else that he will like and i think he will do that.
second problem is that eventually he is going to become a baby. the solution is that his parents always wanted for him to be a kid and now that he is going to become one his parents are going to see how it is to take care of a baby if there even alive to take care of him.
third his son will become the same age as him eventually and thats not good because then they can fight and maybe the kid could win. the solution is that he should teach his kid that at any time he should respect him and that violence is not the way to go but if he doesnt teach him this then maybe just maybe the kid would be disrespectful and try to beat up the dad.
one problem that he is going to encounter is that since he is growing younger he is going to get tired of his wife. the solution i see for him is that he will leave his wife becouse he isnt going to feel the same for her and he will probably find someone else that he will like and i think he will do that.
second problem is that eventually he is going to become a baby. the solution is that his parents always wanted for him to be a kid and now that he is going to become one his parents are going to see how it is to take care of a baby if there even alive to take care of him.
third his son will become the same age as him eventually and thats not good because then they can fight and maybe the kid could win. the solution is that he should teach his kid that at any time he should respect him and that violence is not the way to go but if he doesnt teach him this then maybe just maybe the kid would be disrespectful and try to beat up the dad.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
the curious case of benjamin button chapter 2
Roger is so overly concerned with how benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say. what should he do?
I think that he should treat him nicely because he is his son and they shouldnt treat him like he is a mistake because they wanted him and now they have to face the concequences and they should treat the kid with respect and love him as a their son which he is. i think that since he is very old and they cant stand it then i guess they should make him look younger like a haircut and dye his hair some other color and get him clothes that a kid could wear so that he could atleast look young and not like a grandpa.
I think that he should treat him nicely because he is his son and they shouldnt treat him like he is a mistake because they wanted him and now they have to face the concequences and they should treat the kid with respect and love him as a their son which he is. i think that since he is very old and they cant stand it then i guess they should make him look younger like a haircut and dye his hair some other color and get him clothes that a kid could wear so that he could atleast look young and not like a grandpa.
the curious case of benjamin button chapter 1
what would you have done if you were roger button in chapter 1?
well at first i would be really scared thinking that my son was older then me and that he was just old. i think i would have run out of the hospital terrified and maybe go home and go check it out again the next day just to see if it was true. since he didnt have anything to wear then i would go and get him some clothes because no one would want to see him naked walking around. I would think that since he was old he wouldnt live that long and i would probably be sad because even if he is old he still is my blood and my son. i would be creeped out bringing him home and letting my friends see him but it would be ok because he is my son.
well at first i would be really scared thinking that my son was older then me and that he was just old. i think i would have run out of the hospital terrified and maybe go home and go check it out again the next day just to see if it was true. since he didnt have anything to wear then i would go and get him some clothes because no one would want to see him naked walking around. I would think that since he was old he wouldnt live that long and i would probably be sad because even if he is old he still is my blood and my son. i would be creeped out bringing him home and letting my friends see him but it would be ok because he is my son.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
bad choices
Wake up in the morning
Its going to be a fun day
I shouldn’t disappoint my mother again
I should stick to my studies don’t think of other things
But my mind keeps on drifting away
I made so many bad choices already
Made my mom so sad already
Things going on that I can not explain
My family says I am a very smart kid
Just that I don’t make any good decisions
I try and try to not do anything bad
But I keep falling back and back
For every step I take forward
It feels like I take 3 steps back
The path I took at first led me to a dead end
It felt like there was no turning back
But I fixed the errors in my ways
And only hope that its not too late.
Its going to be a fun day
I shouldn’t disappoint my mother again
I should stick to my studies don’t think of other things
But my mind keeps on drifting away
I made so many bad choices already
Made my mom so sad already
Things going on that I can not explain
My family says I am a very smart kid
Just that I don’t make any good decisions
I try and try to not do anything bad
But I keep falling back and back
For every step I take forward
It feels like I take 3 steps back
The path I took at first led me to a dead end
It felt like there was no turning back
But I fixed the errors in my ways
And only hope that its not too late.
Monday, March 30, 2009
a picture is worth a thousand words

i worked and so did my wife togethere we made $600 every 2 weeks the landlord took about $450 because there were many people living there it was me, my wife, my kids rick, abigail, and the youngest mario, and my mom or my kids grandma she was old we supported her she was too old too work and she just stayed in the house. everyday i would wake up early and go to work i hated my life it was mostly work and i had nothing to do after just chores my kids, my wife, and my mom were really tired of that life so i told them we were going to save up money to get a house and farm at first they didnt like the idea but they turned to like it.
I started working 2 jobs it was hard work but it was going to pay off sooner or later i barely got to see my kids or my wife but it gave me that boost i needed to get money so i could get close to buying my togethere me and my wife were making $850 every 2 weeks it was good i started saving about $200 every pay check it was really good for me the house i wanted was $2000 i would need to work harder to get there i also needed to get atleast $1000 more so i could buy things to farm. my wife started to work 2 jobs too and we made $1000 and now i saved $400 it was good i was tired and things started getting harder but i just pulled thrue it. My kids didnt like us working so much we didnt get to see our kids as much it was getting harder but i getting to my goal i decided to save up $4000 and i had $3600 now two more weeks i thought and i was correct i made it too that amount of money i quit my jobs and so did my wife we were so happy and we started talking about our new lives we were almost as happy as in that picture.
we packed our things our kids were happy and we were on the road to our new life it was an adventure it was fun we took a train it cost us $80 for all of us and we made to our new house in north dekota we bought some animals like 2 pigs a boy and girl so they could make babies and i could get more and i did the same thing for all my animals i got 2 horse boy and a girl and i got a roster and a hen it worked out pretty good my family had alot of food and we sold things too the market closest to us we saved up alot of money and we bought a new device invented it was called a camera and we took a picture togethere we were all happy and that is the picture you see now we are living the best way we can and this picture will show it the horse that is there is pregnant and my family is eating with my dog bingo and my horse secret they are really nice animals im in the corner of the picture because as you can see my kid was eating too much and then he told me to get him some cereal.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
1. I hate it when my mom confuses me with my brother jorge.
2. I hate it when my younger sis follows me around.
3. When people copy things that you do and make fun of you.
4. I hate when people push other people around and think its funny or cool.
5. I hate it when my nephfiu goes thrue my stuff.
6. When im at my dads house and his ladys kid runs around and just acts annoying.
7. I hate when im at my cousin's house that lives downstairs from me and when im there he just falls asleep.
8. I hate when i go out and my older sister comes up to me and looks at my eyes like if i did something
9. I hate when people fall asleep in the movies.
10. When people try to act tough when they arent.
11. I hate when people make fun of people.
12. I hate when your friends leave you to go with someone else.
13. i hate when my older sis tells me that im introuble for somethings i didnt do.
14. I hate when teachers try to scare you its just dumb
15. When my mom screams at me for no reason.
16. When all my sisters and my mom try to talk to me about drugs and if i do them or drink.
17. I hate when people act like something that they arent.
18. I hate rumors.
19. When people start fights.
20. I hate when people throw away their life like for gangs.
21. When people tell you that you cant do something.
22. When people judge you.
23. someone thinks your weird or strange when they dont even know you.
24. I hate when older kids make fun of younger kids about what they do.
25. Mothers that hit their kids in public why cant they do that in their house or something.
2. I hate it when my younger sis follows me around.
3. When people copy things that you do and make fun of you.
4. I hate when people push other people around and think its funny or cool.
5. I hate it when my nephfiu goes thrue my stuff.
6. When im at my dads house and his ladys kid runs around and just acts annoying.
7. I hate when im at my cousin's house that lives downstairs from me and when im there he just falls asleep.
8. I hate when i go out and my older sister comes up to me and looks at my eyes like if i did something
9. I hate when people fall asleep in the movies.
10. When people try to act tough when they arent.
11. I hate when people make fun of people.
12. I hate when your friends leave you to go with someone else.
13. i hate when my older sis tells me that im introuble for somethings i didnt do.
14. I hate when teachers try to scare you its just dumb
15. When my mom screams at me for no reason.
16. When all my sisters and my mom try to talk to me about drugs and if i do them or drink.
17. I hate when people act like something that they arent.
18. I hate rumors.
19. When people start fights.
20. I hate when people throw away their life like for gangs.
21. When people tell you that you cant do something.
22. When people judge you.
23. someone thinks your weird or strange when they dont even know you.
24. I hate when older kids make fun of younger kids about what they do.
25. Mothers that hit their kids in public why cant they do that in their house or something.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The secret
it was my best friends deepest, darkest secret it would be a hard one to keep. i know my friend since i was litle like 5 years old his name is luke and he told me one of his deepest darkest secret he told me that he was doing drugs and was a gangbanger he told me not to tell anyone even if something bad was happening i tried to keep my promise and i did. He told me that almost everyone knew he was a gangbanger and it didnt matter if i told some of my friends that he was. his mom and my mom are very close and he told me that his mom shouldnt know about that. He started slacking off and he told me that he was getting almost all f's i told him he should get out of that stuff and he said that he was already in too deep i told him no you could get out but he just said no and he kept on doing drugs he became a drug attic but i didnt think i could do anything i told him that i wasnt going to tell his anyone and i couldnt tell his mom it felt like there was nothing that i could do. his mom was a women that let him do almost anything and he wouldnt get grounded and if he did then he could do anything he wanted. I tried to talk to him to stop it and not do those things because it was going to mess him up but he didnt listen to me i told him to quit it because he is a person that i have known for the longest and i dont want anything to happen to him but he still didnt listen to me i had no other choice. I told my mom about it so she could tell his mom and i told her about the drug abuse he was doing and the gang he was in and she said that it was messed up and she was going to tell his mom and she did when she told his mom she told my mom that she was going to do something about it i was happy because maybe now he could deal with his problems i just hope that i said it on time and i hoped that he would want to talk to me. One day he told me that i was snitch and that he didnt trust but i didnt mind because he fixed his life but i did care because he didnt want to talk to me anymore and i said ok then but a few weeks later he said that it was cool and nothing happen to him but atleast he knows that it wasnt that good of an idea and he quit and he started doing better in school and he got his life back on track. I made the right decision because if i didnt then maybe some bad things would have happen to him i think i made the best decision i could've done.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
her mysteroius death
Her death was due to misterious circumstances and i was assigned to the case. It was a dark cloudy day and there was an emergency call from a women she said that she was at her house and someone broke in she was very scared I told her I would be there as quick as possible I called for reinforcements incase it got ugly. I was the first one on the crime scene I got there and the door was open so I pulled out my gun and my flashlight I was a little scared but I kept on going I screamed into the house is their anyone here I didn’t get any response so I proceeded to go more inside. I checked the whole house I couldn’t find anyone but there was one room that I didn’t check and it was the bathroom I thought to myself she must be in here hiding from the maniac that came into her house I went inside and I saw her in the bathtub she was dead. I called for paramedics and when the police got there they were checking the place out I noticed that there was something written in the mirror it said ‘’ hahaha I told you I was going to get you’’ I thought it was written with lipstick but no it was written with her blood. We also found a bloody knife in the alley behind her house.
We found out her name was Lisa Figueroa she was a Hispanic girl she is 22 years old very young to be dead we called her family and told them the terrible news they couldn’t believe it I was thinking to myself I want this case I want to find the man or women that killed this poor innocent girl. She had no felonies she was a person with no bad things done it was like she had nothing to worry about. I told my boss I want this case and I want to do this by myself he said no but I kept on insisting he finally said ok then and I got the case I knew what I was going to do first go see her parents maybe I could find something out about her that her criminal records couldn’t tell me. I went to her parents house I asked them did Lisa have any problems with people they said no she was a pretty good girl she never did anything to hurt anybody she was friendly but that she was in a relationship with this man called Timmy I thought it was funny name but later I found out he was a gang banger nicknamed king he was a huge guy he was 25 years old I thought that maybe he got into an argument with her and sent a hit on her.
I went to visit Timmy or king’s house I took him to the police station for questioning he said that he didn’t commit any crime and that the fight they were having was because of a girl that sent king a text message and Lisa saw it he said she had threatened to break up with him and he got mad so he left. We showed king the knife he said that he didn’t have anything to do with that and I took his finger prints compared them to the knifes they were not a match so I couldn’t keep him in the police station so I let him go. If it wasn’t king then it must have been that lady that sent king a message I thought maybe that king was cheating on this girl with that other girl I needed more clues. I went to see king once more I asked him that he had to take to see that girl that messaged him he refused and said that he wasn’t going to help the police I told him he either took me or I could get him arrested he said he didn’t care he was getting me mad so finally did something unthinkable I put my gun to his head and told him to take me right now he said ok man just don’t shoot me. He took me to her house I went to talk to her I asked her do you know any man named king she said that she did that they were going out I told her you have to come to the police station right now she asked for what and I told her just for a few questions.
We got to the police station and we were parked outside I was sitting in the car with her and she told ok there’s no point in not telling you the truth about the murder I told her ok and when she was about to tell me a car pulled up right next to us and shot her and me I was lucky I survived the attack but she wasn’t she died that’s what the doctor told me about her then I was thinking to myself that it was messed up and that I was so close to solving this case but no I was going to be out of work for a week they told me I could be out for 3 months but I didn’t want to. During that whole week I could only think about what happen to her and I knew the only person that knew that she was either going to confess or she was going to say the person that committed the crime. One day before I was going back on the case I was watching a show were almost the exact same thing happen to them that happen to me they almost found the murderer but the witness was killed they checked her house and found a letter that said that the person that did it and it gave me an idea.I went to see the girls house there was a mess like if someone came into that house to get something or find something if they robbed her then they must have taken her jewelry but probably not any evidence. I found a diary and it said that she knew who did it but it never said who it was I was thinking that she might have the phone here but bad luck for me there wasn’t any type of phone I was starting to think that king was wrong. I went to speak to king again he started to be more self protective and he said that he wasn’t going to help us out anymore because they killed his friend I told him we were going to catch the person that killed her he said ok and he started to work with me to find things. The thing that we couldn’t figure out was that the knife was in the alley and she was in the bathroom and the mirror said hahaha I told you I was going to get you it didn’t make any sense then we went to Lisa’s house it felt weird we heard some noises and then I went to check it out there was a lady and then me and king tried to catch her she then pulled out a gun and shot king I was in disbelief she shot him 6 times and she got me once but in the leg I pulled out my gun too and I shot her I saw who it was it was the girl that supposedly got shot with me I thought anyways. I remembered that it looked like her house was robbed but I never told anyone she tried to get all her stuff she made a mess I thought it was because they robbed her house but no it was her she did all the murder Lisa and king but I don’t want to reveal her identification lets just say she was the girl that felt jealous and because her supposed boyfriend had another girl and the other girl had the same problem but the other girl wasn’t as violent as that one she killed 2 people she died too it was terrible but at least this mystery is solved
We found out her name was Lisa Figueroa she was a Hispanic girl she is 22 years old very young to be dead we called her family and told them the terrible news they couldn’t believe it I was thinking to myself I want this case I want to find the man or women that killed this poor innocent girl. She had no felonies she was a person with no bad things done it was like she had nothing to worry about. I told my boss I want this case and I want to do this by myself he said no but I kept on insisting he finally said ok then and I got the case I knew what I was going to do first go see her parents maybe I could find something out about her that her criminal records couldn’t tell me. I went to her parents house I asked them did Lisa have any problems with people they said no she was a pretty good girl she never did anything to hurt anybody she was friendly but that she was in a relationship with this man called Timmy I thought it was funny name but later I found out he was a gang banger nicknamed king he was a huge guy he was 25 years old I thought that maybe he got into an argument with her and sent a hit on her.
I went to visit Timmy or king’s house I took him to the police station for questioning he said that he didn’t commit any crime and that the fight they were having was because of a girl that sent king a text message and Lisa saw it he said she had threatened to break up with him and he got mad so he left. We showed king the knife he said that he didn’t have anything to do with that and I took his finger prints compared them to the knifes they were not a match so I couldn’t keep him in the police station so I let him go. If it wasn’t king then it must have been that lady that sent king a message I thought maybe that king was cheating on this girl with that other girl I needed more clues. I went to see king once more I asked him that he had to take to see that girl that messaged him he refused and said that he wasn’t going to help the police I told him he either took me or I could get him arrested he said he didn’t care he was getting me mad so finally did something unthinkable I put my gun to his head and told him to take me right now he said ok man just don’t shoot me. He took me to her house I went to talk to her I asked her do you know any man named king she said that she did that they were going out I told her you have to come to the police station right now she asked for what and I told her just for a few questions.
We got to the police station and we were parked outside I was sitting in the car with her and she told ok there’s no point in not telling you the truth about the murder I told her ok and when she was about to tell me a car pulled up right next to us and shot her and me I was lucky I survived the attack but she wasn’t she died that’s what the doctor told me about her then I was thinking to myself that it was messed up and that I was so close to solving this case but no I was going to be out of work for a week they told me I could be out for 3 months but I didn’t want to. During that whole week I could only think about what happen to her and I knew the only person that knew that she was either going to confess or she was going to say the person that committed the crime. One day before I was going back on the case I was watching a show were almost the exact same thing happen to them that happen to me they almost found the murderer but the witness was killed they checked her house and found a letter that said that the person that did it and it gave me an idea.I went to see the girls house there was a mess like if someone came into that house to get something or find something if they robbed her then they must have taken her jewelry but probably not any evidence. I found a diary and it said that she knew who did it but it never said who it was I was thinking that she might have the phone here but bad luck for me there wasn’t any type of phone I was starting to think that king was wrong. I went to speak to king again he started to be more self protective and he said that he wasn’t going to help us out anymore because they killed his friend I told him we were going to catch the person that killed her he said ok and he started to work with me to find things. The thing that we couldn’t figure out was that the knife was in the alley and she was in the bathroom and the mirror said hahaha I told you I was going to get you it didn’t make any sense then we went to Lisa’s house it felt weird we heard some noises and then I went to check it out there was a lady and then me and king tried to catch her she then pulled out a gun and shot king I was in disbelief she shot him 6 times and she got me once but in the leg I pulled out my gun too and I shot her I saw who it was it was the girl that supposedly got shot with me I thought anyways. I remembered that it looked like her house was robbed but I never told anyone she tried to get all her stuff she made a mess I thought it was because they robbed her house but no it was her she did all the murder Lisa and king but I don’t want to reveal her identification lets just say she was the girl that felt jealous and because her supposed boyfriend had another girl and the other girl had the same problem but the other girl wasn’t as violent as that one she killed 2 people she died too it was terrible but at least this mystery is solved
Monday, March 16, 2009
Pedro's life story
When he was in the womb he was a baby that kicked me alot it hurted me alot because he would do it constantly. when he was born i was happy because i finally saw the baby that i had been carrying for 9 months i named him Pedro Angel Venegas i got his name from his dad but he got the middle name from his cousin Alex i asked him what he wanted his middle name to be for my child and he said Angel. He was a pretty good kid when he was young he fell off the bed alot one time he was like 1 year old and he was sleeping i left him in the room and went to get something i came back and he wasnt there i was really scared and i was crying then i looked where there was a spot where the bed seperated and i looked down and he was right there and i started laughing and i picked him up and put him on the bed it was pretty funny and he was a really good kid he wouldnt do anything that was real bad. He got into many problems when he was young and his dad wasnt always around so i mostly took care of him most times when he got hurt his dad wouldnt pick up the phone so i would need to find someone to take him or i would just take him walking or on the bus, when he got into one of his worst accidents which he could have died his dad was working and i was home taking care of him then i called his dad i told him to come fast because his son but he didnt want to and Pedro was almost dying at the end he came home took him to the hospital and said that he almost died and they put stiches in him he was a very tough boy because he would get into many accidents and there were many more incidents that were bad like he broke his arm but his sisters were there so they took care. i was working and his sister called me and said Pedro was at the hospital i was really scared because it was during school they said Pedro broke his arm before school i was worried and told them is he okay they said yea but he is in a lot of pain and the Hospital needed my permission so that they could treat him there it was norweigein hospital and the service there is really terrible. When Pedro was a little baby a todler he liked to play around and just be happy a really good and polite kid we would go to the store and he would hold the door for people that came in it was funny sometimes i would be looking for him and he would be by the door opening it for people. once he started getting older he stopped doing that and became a litle bad he would do things that were really bad like throw things at the wall and do other things, he was really good in school like 2-5 and he would A's and B's but then he got into 6th grade and stopped doing some things but he still got pretty good grades he started getting really mad for no reason and start cursing but then he would realize he has just mad and calm down. by the time he was in 7th grade he would get bad grades and then he would get them back up but he wasnt trying hard and he just became more and more mad and i would think he is going to get over it but sometimes he didnt and he would go to sleep mad at everything that was near him and he became a litle bit more disrespectful he wouldnt respect his older sisters or anyone he would curse at them i wanted him to make him stop but i didnt think anything would stop him so i would ground him more and more and he would stop doing that. When he was 5 or 6 years old he would start to go with his cousins for sleep overs and he would have fun and when he 7 years old his brother Jorge went to prison his brother was 15 or 16 he was charged with having drugs i thought he was inoccent but they locked him up either way Pedro was really sad he would cry and say that he wanted to be with his brother and i would say dont worry he will come back tomorrow it would calm him down he was there for 2 years and everyone in the family missed him when he was about to get out they told me that if they wanted they could send him to Mexico but if they wanted he could stay after it was his day to get out Pedro was really happy but then he didnt come out so we asked if he was going to come out and they said NO he is going to Mexico Pedro was crying because his brother wasn't going to come we were all sad but Pedro was the most he didnt stop crying. Pedro is going to become a very good kid if he keeps on doing what he is doing and he is trying harder now and i know he will become a very good person and i hope he does what he told me he is going to do and that is buy me a house so i could retire.
Friday, February 27, 2009
what do i wish from barack obama
I wish that Barrack Obama does something about immigration like give papers to immigrants for three main reasons. One reason is that immigrants that come here always come here for a second chance to live in peace and try to make everything better. Second reason is that most immigrants come to this country to work and to get money for their parents and their family from over there. Third many immigrants come here for better chances for their kids so they could become better then them. Immigrants should be given papers because they come here only to try to make better themselves.
immigrants come here for a second chance to live in peace and try to do better in this country. first immigrants come here because maybe they were tortured in their country in a way like didn’t have food or the basic necessities. Second is that maybe some of them that came here were really poor and they couldn’t afford to buy food, clothes, or they didn’t even have shelter. Third some immigrants wish they could become something like maybe they didn’t have an education so they came here to try to get an education so they could live better then before. Immigrants come here so that they could live a better life so this proves that immigrants should be given papers, and they come here so they could get that paper for their family that they left.
Most immigrants come to this country to make money so that they could send it to their family in the other country. There is people that come here because there family is in desperate need of money but they cant get it quick enough so they come here so they could make some money and help their family. Maybe there family is poor and they have a family member that is ill and they need money for something to cure him so they come here to make that money. They come here to get money and because were they come from they are poor and cant afford anything but here they could work and be atleast in the middle class. They make money here but they also come here so there kids could be better in life.
Many immigrants come here for better chances for their kids. they come so there kids could get an education and they can be better then there parents. There kids could get an education and learn things so they could be good in life and make a lot of money. They come here for their kids and they could safer here then over there. These are all reasons why we should give immigrants papers and let them work here without the immigration bothering them.
I wish that Barrack Obama does something about immigration like give papers to immigrants for three main reasons. One reason is that immigrants that come here always come here for a second chance to live in peace and try to make everything better. Second reason is that most immigrants come to this country to work and to get money for their parents and their family from over there. Third many immigrants come here for better chances for their kids so they could become better then them. These are all reasons why they should and I hope Barack Obama does give papers to immigrants because they have to realise this nation is made of immigrants.
immigrants come here for a second chance to live in peace and try to do better in this country. first immigrants come here because maybe they were tortured in their country in a way like didn’t have food or the basic necessities. Second is that maybe some of them that came here were really poor and they couldn’t afford to buy food, clothes, or they didn’t even have shelter. Third some immigrants wish they could become something like maybe they didn’t have an education so they came here to try to get an education so they could live better then before. Immigrants come here so that they could live a better life so this proves that immigrants should be given papers, and they come here so they could get that paper for their family that they left.
Most immigrants come to this country to make money so that they could send it to their family in the other country. There is people that come here because there family is in desperate need of money but they cant get it quick enough so they come here so they could make some money and help their family. Maybe there family is poor and they have a family member that is ill and they need money for something to cure him so they come here to make that money. They come here to get money and because were they come from they are poor and cant afford anything but here they could work and be atleast in the middle class. They make money here but they also come here so there kids could be better in life.
Many immigrants come here for better chances for their kids. they come so there kids could get an education and they can be better then there parents. There kids could get an education and learn things so they could be good in life and make a lot of money. They come here for their kids and they could safer here then over there. These are all reasons why we should give immigrants papers and let them work here without the immigration bothering them.
I wish that Barrack Obama does something about immigration like give papers to immigrants for three main reasons. One reason is that immigrants that come here always come here for a second chance to live in peace and try to make everything better. Second reason is that most immigrants come to this country to work and to get money for their parents and their family from over there. Third many immigrants come here for better chances for their kids so they could become better then them. These are all reasons why they should and I hope Barack Obama does give papers to immigrants because they have to realise this nation is made of immigrants.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
life-changing event
One life changing thing that happened to me was when i got into a fight with my older cousin he is like 16 and we were play fighting and then we started to take it seriously and we were swinging at each other hard and we both got messed up and we didnt talk to each other for like 2 or 3 months. He is my favorite cousin because i hanged out with him since i was like 4 or 5 years and i would sleep over at his house every week end.
When i stopped talking to him my mom would also not talk to my uncle that much either like before and then we just didnt even want to see each other it elt bad because it felt like i lost a brother for something stupid and i felt like telling him that we should just forget about it but i couldnt because i didnt want to be the one that forgives him.
on the second month he told me that if we could be cool again i we just forget what happened but i was stubborn and didnt want to forgive him so we just kept on ignoring each other till i started thinking that i was dumb because he is one of the best people i know and he is like a brother to me so i called him up an told him if he wanted to be cool with me so he said yea and we started hanging out with him again it was a life changing event for me because i learned that there are some people that can walk away and you really wouldnt care but then there are people that are really close to you and my cousin is like my brother and i wish we just didnt start that argument.
When i stopped talking to him my mom would also not talk to my uncle that much either like before and then we just didnt even want to see each other it elt bad because it felt like i lost a brother for something stupid and i felt like telling him that we should just forget about it but i couldnt because i didnt want to be the one that forgives him.
on the second month he told me that if we could be cool again i we just forget what happened but i was stubborn and didnt want to forgive him so we just kept on ignoring each other till i started thinking that i was dumb because he is one of the best people i know and he is like a brother to me so i called him up an told him if he wanted to be cool with me so he said yea and we started hanging out with him again it was a life changing event for me because i learned that there are some people that can walk away and you really wouldnt care but then there are people that are really close to you and my cousin is like my brother and i wish we just didnt start that argument.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
parents are not the best teachers
Parents are not the best teachers for three main reasons. One reason is that some kids would be really nervous and they would not do as good as they should because they would be nervous. There are some parents that take it easy on kids and they would let them do bad things and that is not very good. Third there are some parents that would think that there kids would do bad things when they go outside and then they teach you that almost every person you meet is someone that is going to hurt you or make you do bad things. These three reasons are important because kids have to learn and know most things so they could be successful in life.
Maybe some kids would get really nervous and they wouldn’t do as good as if they were in school. Some kids would get nervous and they would think that it would be harder because their parents are teaching them. Maybe the students would think that their parents automatically pass them because they are their kids and they would not do any work. Some kids are real trouble makers and they would do many bad things in school but then now they would think if they do something bad then they would get grounded. Most kids would be really nervous, but then there would be some parents that would take it easy on their kids.
There are some parents that would let their kids do anything and let them get away with it. Some parents would let their kids do anything and not get grounded or even tell them that it isn’t right. Some kids that get terrible grades and their parents let them do things like go out or in other words not get grounded and that is teaching them that they can get away with anything. Parents that do that arent good teachers because that would mess them up in their life because they would do bad things like bad grades and then they would be falling year after year which is not good. Some parents that let that happen are not that good of teachers because they would let their kids do that.
There are some parents that wouldn’t let you get away with things but then they could always be over protective and not let you do things or teach you that most people are bad and they only want to beat you up or make you do something. Some parents tell kids that there are only bad people in the world and that is not true because there are people that are nice and most are, but there are some people but not all of them. Some parents are unreasonable and they tell you bad things about who you hang out with even though they are pretty good people. Parents could tell you things about how people are bad and that isnt good because that is teaching you to not trust people. Some parents teach how to think that people are not good which isnt which proves that parents arent really good teachers.
Parents are not the best teachers for three main reasons. One reason is that some kids would be really nervous and they would not do as good as they should because there making you nervous. There are some parents that take it easy on kids and they would let them do bad things and that is not very good. Third there are some parents that would think that there kids would do bad things when they go outside and then they teach you that almost every person you meet is someone that is going to hurt you or make you do bad things. These three reasons show that parents are not as good teachers as they should be sometimes but they also do some things right but not all the time.
Maybe some kids would get really nervous and they wouldn’t do as good as if they were in school. Some kids would get nervous and they would think that it would be harder because their parents are teaching them. Maybe the students would think that their parents automatically pass them because they are their kids and they would not do any work. Some kids are real trouble makers and they would do many bad things in school but then now they would think if they do something bad then they would get grounded. Most kids would be really nervous, but then there would be some parents that would take it easy on their kids.
There are some parents that would let their kids do anything and let them get away with it. Some parents would let their kids do anything and not get grounded or even tell them that it isn’t right. Some kids that get terrible grades and their parents let them do things like go out or in other words not get grounded and that is teaching them that they can get away with anything. Parents that do that arent good teachers because that would mess them up in their life because they would do bad things like bad grades and then they would be falling year after year which is not good. Some parents that let that happen are not that good of teachers because they would let their kids do that.
There are some parents that wouldn’t let you get away with things but then they could always be over protective and not let you do things or teach you that most people are bad and they only want to beat you up or make you do something. Some parents tell kids that there are only bad people in the world and that is not true because there are people that are nice and most are, but there are some people but not all of them. Some parents are unreasonable and they tell you bad things about who you hang out with even though they are pretty good people. Parents could tell you things about how people are bad and that isnt good because that is teaching you to not trust people. Some parents teach how to think that people are not good which isnt which proves that parents arent really good teachers.
Parents are not the best teachers for three main reasons. One reason is that some kids would be really nervous and they would not do as good as they should because there making you nervous. There are some parents that take it easy on kids and they would let them do bad things and that is not very good. Third there are some parents that would think that there kids would do bad things when they go outside and then they teach you that almost every person you meet is someone that is going to hurt you or make you do bad things. These three reasons show that parents are not as good teachers as they should be sometimes but they also do some things right but not all the time.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A skill everyone needs
i think a skill that many people need is to know how to pay attention to things that you need to learn or how to be a quick learner because many people need to learn how to do things in limited time.What if you are working and you need to learn how to do the thing that they tell you in not that much time because if you work in some place that makes you have to do things in a limited amount of time then you have to be a quick learner and know how to do it all over again.
a quick learner is also very important because you need to know how to do things that are very important like if you play sports as a proffesional you are going to have to be able to learn plays like the exact movements hat you need to in order to finish it and you need to learn it quickly in time for the next game.
you also need this skill because if you are a person that travels around like if you try to do promote things like movie shows and other things you would need to know the language from over there really quick so that you could translate yourself and then you could sell or promate that stuff overthere.
i also think that being a quick learner will help you with kids because if the kid doesnt like something you have to know it really quick and you would need to learn how to take care of the kid really quick before it is born so that you can properly take care of it.
i believe being a quick learner is possibly one of the best skills you can have because if you have this you wont have to be practising another skill like math work or reading because you would get it more quickly then other people and you wouldnt need to study it that much because you will remember it and be more succesful because you would be able to comprehend many more things.
a quick learner is also very important because you need to know how to do things that are very important like if you play sports as a proffesional you are going to have to be able to learn plays like the exact movements hat you need to in order to finish it and you need to learn it quickly in time for the next game.
you also need this skill because if you are a person that travels around like if you try to do promote things like movie shows and other things you would need to know the language from over there really quick so that you could translate yourself and then you could sell or promate that stuff overthere.
i also think that being a quick learner will help you with kids because if the kid doesnt like something you have to know it really quick and you would need to learn how to take care of the kid really quick before it is born so that you can properly take care of it.
i believe being a quick learner is possibly one of the best skills you can have because if you have this you wont have to be practising another skill like math work or reading because you would get it more quickly then other people and you wouldnt need to study it that much because you will remember it and be more succesful because you would be able to comprehend many more things.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The best day ever
The best day ever started as one of the most boring days ever i woke up and there was nothing to do at my house it was warm outside so i called one of my cousins to go play soccer he said that yea we could go so my uncle drove us where we were going to play he decided to play as well. He is one of the best soccer players i have ever seen he can do tricks and make the other players look like fools, we were playing against another team that was pretty good it was 3 vs 3 so my cousin, my uncle, and me. My cousin and my uncle where the only ones making goals and i was goalie i was doing a pretty good job i was blocking many of there shots, my cousin decided he was going to play as goalie so i let him and he was doing good job too, i made like 1 or 2 goals on the other team.
After we were done that day felt like a great day and i was very happy my cousin asked me if i wanted to go see his dad's team play i decided to go and see my uncle play. We drove to the beach where he played in a soccer field with his team he was playing really good i remember that they got a foul and a free kick and the person that was going to kick the ball got a red card because he was telling the referee things so my uncle took the shot and he made a goal he hit the ball and it hit the post and went in, his team won 1-0 because of his goal. We stayed at the park and were just playing around it was like 4 or 5 when the game finished we stayed at the park almost the whole day.
We left the park at 8 so i asked my mom if i could sleep over at his house she said yes and that day turned into the best day that i had in a while it was a Sunday and there wasn't any school on Monday this was like 1 year ago but i remember it was the best day because i spent the whole playing and joking around. when i was at my uncles house with my cousin we were watching movies that were really good then we saw child's play which was the movie with Chucky the doll that could walk and talk and kill people we got scared but it was still a pretty good movie. When i fell asleep i was exhausted and i was thinking about how fun the day was i went to sleep and i woke up like at 12 i felt good and i decided that it was the best day ever.
After we were done that day felt like a great day and i was very happy my cousin asked me if i wanted to go see his dad's team play i decided to go and see my uncle play. We drove to the beach where he played in a soccer field with his team he was playing really good i remember that they got a foul and a free kick and the person that was going to kick the ball got a red card because he was telling the referee things so my uncle took the shot and he made a goal he hit the ball and it hit the post and went in, his team won 1-0 because of his goal. We stayed at the park and were just playing around it was like 4 or 5 when the game finished we stayed at the park almost the whole day.
We left the park at 8 so i asked my mom if i could sleep over at his house she said yes and that day turned into the best day that i had in a while it was a Sunday and there wasn't any school on Monday this was like 1 year ago but i remember it was the best day because i spent the whole playing and joking around. when i was at my uncles house with my cousin we were watching movies that were really good then we saw child's play which was the movie with Chucky the doll that could walk and talk and kill people we got scared but it was still a pretty good movie. When i fell asleep i was exhausted and i was thinking about how fun the day was i went to sleep and i woke up like at 12 i felt good and i decided that it was the best day ever.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Her Smile
when i looked at her smile, i knew she was up to something. Yea it was a smile of creativity like she was making up a plan on how to do it, the only question was what the idea was i asked but she said it was a secret, but i insisted that she tell me she just ignored me rest of the day. The next day i saw her at school with that same smile on her face i thought maybe it isnt anything it's just nothing but then she started acting in a different way then all the other days it was like she was trying to do something but i still wondered what it was it seemed like everyone already knew what she was up to and i was the only one without a clue i was going to ask one of her friends but then i felt like it was none of my bussness so i just ignored the issue. I tried to resist from falling right back to where i had started but i did i fell right back into it i felt like it was a nececity to know, at the end of the day it felt like everyone knew what it was but me i felt like if i didnt belong because of it but then my friend came up to me and told me she needed to speak to me i whent afterschool to see what she needed she said that she had a crush on some guy and i thought to myself oh ok thats all she needed but then she said that the guy was me i felt like i should have known it from the beggining but no i didnt maybe thats how it is maybe when they talk about you then you dont have a clue but maybe it was just me. When she told me that i said to myself i have a little crush on her too so i asked her out and i dont know how it goes from there all i know is that i am very happy that i found out about sooner then never.
Monday, February 9, 2009
25 things i want to do in my life
1. Go see my brother in Mexico.
2. Live in Mexico for a year.
3. Meet the entire bulls team.
4. Play one on one with Joakim Noah.
5. Be able to slam dunk.
6. Become a proffesional basketball player.
7. Make a thousand dollars.
8. Live in a big house.
9. Own three houses in chicago and rent them for money.
10. Meet the chivas team and Oswaldo Sanchez.
11. Go to Von Steuben or Lane Tech
12. Own many jordan shoes.
13. Become a police officer.
14. Be a good basketball player even if i dont make it as a proffesional.
15. Have three kids.
16. Be married once and be very happy.
17. Make a lot of money and retire at 40 years old and never have to work again.
18. Make 6 points in todays game.
19. Make it to the finals with my team hornets.
20. Dont lose against pritzker this wensday.
21. Never give up on anything.
22. Graduate high school
23. Graduate middle school with honors.
24. Go to collage.
25. Get a cell phone.
2. Live in Mexico for a year.
3. Meet the entire bulls team.
4. Play one on one with Joakim Noah.
5. Be able to slam dunk.
6. Become a proffesional basketball player.
7. Make a thousand dollars.
8. Live in a big house.
9. Own three houses in chicago and rent them for money.
10. Meet the chivas team and Oswaldo Sanchez.
11. Go to Von Steuben or Lane Tech
12. Own many jordan shoes.
13. Become a police officer.
14. Be a good basketball player even if i dont make it as a proffesional.
15. Have three kids.
16. Be married once and be very happy.
17. Make a lot of money and retire at 40 years old and never have to work again.
18. Make 6 points in todays game.
19. Make it to the finals with my team hornets.
20. Dont lose against pritzker this wensday.
21. Never give up on anything.
22. Graduate high school
23. Graduate middle school with honors.
24. Go to collage.
25. Get a cell phone.
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